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If you are already a customer and still don't have your login details, please drop us a line at +49 4181-34040 or send us an email at info@baukloh.de
If you want to become a customer, please use the contactform at www.baukloh.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Imprint & Privacy
bm&d GmbH & Co. KG - Marketing & Distribution
Zunftstraße 8
D-21244 Buchholz
T +49 (0)4181 34040
F +49 (0)4181 340444
Amtsgericht Tosted HRA 20209
USt-IdNr. DE280048797
St-Nr. 15/205/2340
Gerichtsstand und Erfüllungsort ist Tostedt
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin bm&d Verwaltungs GmbH
Sitz Buchholz
Amtsgericht Tostedt HRB 203165
Geschäftsführer Marlis Baukloh, Patrick Baukloh